2023-02-22 06:54:51    互联网




3、 特色菜1 特色菜2 特色菜3 西红柿炒鸡蛋 土豆烧牛肉 蔬菜沙拉 8元 28元 18元 微甜 辣【hot】 美味Hi,We name is Blue Sky restaurant.Special 1 tomato omelette his price is eight yuan.The taste is ***.Men,women and children all love to eat. Special 2 goullash his price is twenty__eight yuan.His taste is hot hot hot.specual3 vegetable salad.His price is eighteen.His taste is very delicious.Quick to blue sky restaurant to eat.More dishes waiting for you.We name is blue sky restaurant!作文如下,仅供参考Hi,We name is Blue Sky restaurant.Special 1 tomato omelette his price is eight yuan.The taste is ***.Men,women and children all love to eat. Special 2 goullash his price is twenty__eight yuan.His taste is hot hot hot.specual3 vegetable salad.His price is eighteen.His taste is very delicious.Quick to blue sky restaurant to eat.More dishes waiting for you.We name is blue sky restaurant!。


关键词: 西红柿炒鸡蛋 就为大家 蔬菜沙拉 仅供参考
